“Plan the work, work the plan.” It sounds like a simple principle to apply in software. Yet, we still wonder…
How Architecture Contributes to Quality at Speed
Software is a must-have. The competition pressures the actors to reinvent themselves continuously. It’s not enough to be good at…
Setting Goals with OKRs In Quality Engineering
Alignment unlocks transformation. The need for continuous reinvention through software represents a challenge in maintaining that alignment: priorities diverge between…
This Is How To Start In Quality Engineering (Methods)
Where to start? That’s a hard question to answer in a digital environment with accelerated competition and a low predictability.…
This Is Why You Need Methods For Quality At Speed
Why bother with methods for software? A method is the quality of being well organized and systematic in thought or…
Business Agility Requires More Than Organizational Stability
Agility requires stability. Far from the stereotype of changing our minds every day, being agile requires sticking to important decisions…