Quality is not just about testing despite the stereotype. Besides, is it really up to QA to do the tests?…
You Can Overcome The Test Repo Dilemma. Now.
The debates of mono and multi repos are often focused on application code, but what about the test repository? This…
The 6 Popular Old Myths about Mono and Multirepo Explained
An initial conversation of repository quickly tends to switch to branching strategy or dependency management. What is the real impact…
Quality Assurance, From Operations to the Board of Directors
I shared with Farah Chabchoub about her perspective on the evolution of software quality in this interview of the QE…
The Hands-on Mainstream Repo Models You Need To Know
The debate between monorepo and multirepo is often lively between the teams. To complicate the task, variations of the core…
The Epic Story of Mono vs. Multi-Repo is Not New
The performance of a system is at the level of its processes. Code repositories are foundations in the organization of…